
Tuesday, October 8

4 different levels of Patients Interest and use of EHR

 With almost 50 percent of patients taking EMR access into consideration when choosing a healthcare provider, the effective use of EMRs by providers is critical, according to a national consumer study by independent research firms Aeffect and 88 Brand Partners.

A recent EMR Patient Impact Study has identified four segments of EMR users, ranging from the disinterested, non-user, to the regular user.  
Stages of EMR adoption
  • Stage 1 – Disinterested Non-Users (18%) believe EMRs are no more accurate than paper files; say they don't need their medical information outside of their doctors' offices.
  • Stage 2 – Interested Non-Users (52%) tend to be less satisfied with their physician than any other type of user; most influenced by physicians encouragement of using EMRs.
  • Stage 3 – Trial Users (9%) have the highest share of women and non-white consumers than any other group; one-third have just recently started using EMRs within the last six months.
  • Stage 4 – Regular Users (13%) prefer emailing their doctor instead of calling or meeting in-person; one in three are caregivers to an adult family member; 67 percent say online access would be very influential in their choice of a new doctor.

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