
Sunday, March 1

Podcast: Dr. Robert Kolodner on the national HIT strategy : AccuSource Career Center - all things Healthcare IT

Podcast: Dr. Robert Kolodner on the national HIT strategy : AccuSource Career Center - all things Healthcare IT: "This year’s event, held last summer in beautiful, laid-back Ojai, Calif., featured an appearance by Robert Kolodner, M.D., the national coordinator for health information technology and is especially germane today given the 20 billion in the stimulus package for health IT.

After Dr. Kolodner’s presentation—more of a Q&A with his peers in medical informatics—he graciously sat down for an audio interview. in which he covers patient centerdness, patient privacy and how to move the agenda forward. .

Podcast details: Robert Kolodner, M.D., on the national health IT strategy. Recorded July 16, 2008, in Ojai, Calif. MP3, stereo, 64 kbps, 14.3 MB, running time 31:24."

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