
Tuesday, November 15

Healthcare Informatics Looks at Nine Tech Trends in Health Care - iHealthBeat - Daily News Digest on Health Care Information Technology

Healthcare Informatics Looks at Nine Tech Trends in Health Care - iHealthBeat - Daily News Digest on Health Care Information Technology: "Patient-centric Web portals 'have a firm foot in the door,' Healthcare Informatics reports. However, barriers to widespread portal adoption include culture change, patient privacy concerns and physician worries that they will be inundated with patient e-mails. Giovanni Colella, president and CEO of RelayHealth, said, 'I expect about half of the physicians in the United States will communicate online with their patients within the next five years' (Van Beusekom, Healthcare Informatics, February 2005).

Regional health information organizations should provide support and services for small physicians' offices that are adopting EHRs, Healthcare Informatics reports. 'RHIOs will support deployment of applications that we hope will be plug-and-play and be integrated and implemented with the NHIN [national health information network],' said Lori Evans, senior adviser to National Health Information Technology Coordinator Dr. David Brailer (Marietti, Healthcare Informatics, February 2005). "

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